Simple Blue Pool Water Manager
Category: Water Care Systems

SIMPLE BLUE POOL WATER MANAGER is a water care program that combines simplicity with amazing water quality in a once-a-week application.
This specially blended, multi-tasking formula manages swimming pool water while eliminating the confusion of adding multiple chemicals and testing every other day. SIMPLE BLUE contains a stable oxidizer, algae shield, clarifier, scale inhibitor, water conditioner and balancers (pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness) to keep swimming pool water clean, clear and trouble free. It provides a PROACTIVE water care program that PREVENTS problems instead of treating them on a
REACTIVE basis after they occur.
• Convenient and simple to use – just once-a-week!
• Oxygen-enriched water promotes an ideal swimming environment
• Eliminates problems associated with harsh chemicals – no waiting to swim!
• Less bleaching and less corrosive to pool components
• Algae-free pool

Maintenance Instructions:
Test pool weekly with easy to use test strips.
Just dip and compare colors. Adjust pH, Alkalinity, and Calcium as needed.
Add Simple Blue Power Boost Sticks
Pool Volume | # of Sticks |
Pools under 17,500 gallons. | 1 Stick |
Pools over 17,500 gallons. | 2 Sticks |
Add Simple Blue Pool Manager
Add the following dosage of Simple Blue Pool Manager weekly by broadcasting near return or pre-dissolving in water and pouring solution in pool:
Pool Volume | # of Scoops |
> 5,000 or < 7,500 gallons | 2 Scoops |
> 7,500 or < 12,500 gallons | 3 Scoops |
> 12,500 or < 17,500 gallon | 4 Scoops |
> 17,500 or < 22,500 gallons | 5 Scoops |
> 22,500 or < 27,500 gallons | 6 Scoops
> 27,500 or < 32,500 gallons | 7 Scoops |
Run The Pool
Run filter system at least 8-12 hours a day. If you have a 2 speed pump, run the system 24 hours a day on low speed!
Clean filter as needed
Sand Filters: Only backwash when the pressure builds up or return flow slows down. Sand filters filter out finer particles as they clog up. If you keep the filter too clean it will not work efficiently!
Cartridge & DE Filters: Clean whenever the pressure builds up or return flow slows down. If you have a DE filter make sure to add DE every time you backwash!