Simple Blue Salt Water System - Instruction Manual
Aboveground Pool Hybrid System
The Simple Salt hybrid system uses a very small amount of salt to aid in the release of natural minerals to purify your water. A simple once a week routine keeps your pool sparkling clear with virtually no chemicals.Features
- Simple electronics that show you the status of the unit and pool temperature. Easy to use adjustment knob controls output of minerals.
- Natural minerals that are safe for you, your family, and our environment.
- Greatly reduces itchy skin, irritated eyes, faded swim suits, and chemical odors.
- Non-corrosive and eco-friendly to operate.
- pH neutral. Less time balancing chemicals.
- Easy to install and use!
Maintenance Instructions:
Add Salt
Upon fresh water fill only, add 1 – 40lb. Bag of salt to pool. This is a one time deal. Do not add again in the future!
Add Simple Salt Prime
Weekly Maintenance
Add 1lb. of Simple Salt Shimmer per 10,000 gal. per week through the skimmer.
Add 1/2 pint of Simple Salt Vivid directly into the pool every week.
Test pool weekly with easy to use test strips.
Just dip and compare colors. Adjust pH, Alkalinity, and Calcium as needed.
Maintain a mineral level of .3 – .5. This takes about 3 days after initial start-up. Adjust dial on unit to increase or decrease.
Run The Pool
Clean filter as needed
Sand Filters: Only backwash when the pressure builds up or return flow slows down. Sand filters filter out finer particles as they clog up. If you keep the filter too clean it will not work efficiently!
Cartridge & DE Filters: Clean whenever the pressure builds up or return flow slows down. If you have a DE filter make sure to add DE every time you backwash!